Nbody Nice

Python Numpy


There are issues with the implementation.

Visualization does not work when running with Bohrium since it relies on NumPy masked array.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
NBody in N^2 complexity

Note that we are using only Newtonian forces and do not consider relativity
Neither do we consider collisions between stars
Thus some of our stars will accelerate to speeds beyond c
This is done to keep the simulation simple enough for teaching purposes

from __future__ import print_function
from benchpress.benchmarks import util
import numpy as np

    import numpy_force as npf
except ImportError:
    import numpy as npf

from nbody_nice_visualization import gfx_init, gfx_show

bench = util.Benchmark("n-body using the NICE method", "<image-size>*<filter-size>*<ndims>*<niters>")

def fill_diagonal(a, val):
    d, _ = a.shape  # This only makes sense for square matrices
    a.shape = d * d  # Flatten a without making a copy
    a[::d + 1] = val  # Assign the diagonal values
    a.shape = (d, d)  # Return a to its original shape

def calc_force(a, b, dt):
    Calculate forces between bodies
    F = ((G m_a m_b)/r^2)/((x_b-x_a)/r)
    # Ignore division by zero since we fix it explicitely by setting the diagonal in the forces arrays
    npf.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')

    G = 6.673e-11

    dx = b['x'] - a['x'][:, None]
    dy = b['y'] - a['y'][:, None]
    dz = b['z'] - a['z'][:, None]
    pm = b['m'] * a['m'][:, None]

    # For some reason then this pow(T, 0.5) is deadly to performance...
    # sqrt(T) is equivalent math, trying it out instead.
    # This might actually be a neat optimization:
    # pow(T, 0.K) => k-root(T)
    # r = ( dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2) ** 0.5
    r = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2)

    Fx = G * pm / r ** 2 * (dx / r)
    Fy = G * pm / r ** 2 * (dy / r)
    Fz = G * pm / r ** 2 * (dz / r)

    # The diagonal nan numbers must be removed so that the force from a body
    # upon itself is zero
    if a is b:
        fill_diagonal(Fx, 0.)
        fill_diagonal(Fy, 0.)
        fill_diagonal(Fz, 0.)

    a['vx'] += np.add.reduce(Fx, axis=1) / a['m'] * dt
    a['vy'] += np.add.reduce(Fy, axis=1) / a['m'] * dt
    a['vz'] += np.add.reduce(Fz, axis=1) / a['m'] * dt

def move(solarsystem, asteroids, dt):
    Move the bodies
    first find forces and change velocity and then move positions
    calc_force(solarsystem, solarsystem, dt)
    calc_force(asteroids, solarsystem, dt)
    solarsystem['x'] += solarsystem['vx'] * dt
    solarsystem['y'] += solarsystem['vy'] * dt
    solarsystem['z'] += solarsystem['vz'] * dt

    asteroids['x'] += asteroids['vx'] * dt
    asteroids['y'] += asteroids['vy'] * dt
    asteroids['z'] += asteroids['vz'] * dt

def random_system(x_max, y_max, z_max, n, b, dtype=npf.float):
    """Generate a galaxy of random bodies"""

    solarmass = 1.98892e30

    def circlev(rx, ry, rz):
        """Helper function..."""
        r2 = npf.sqrt(rx * rx + ry * ry + rz * rz)
        numerator = (6.67e-11) * 1e6 * solarmass
        return npf.sqrt(numerator / r2)

    solarsystem = {}

    solarsystem['x'] = npf.random.random(n)
    solarsystem['y'] = npf.random.random(n)
    solarsystem['z'] = npf.random.random(n) * .01
    dist = (1.0 / npf.sqrt(solarsystem['x'] ** 2 + solarsystem['y'] ** 2 + solarsystem['z'] ** 2)) - (
            0.8 - npf.random.random() * .1)

    solarsystem['x'] = x_max * solarsystem['x'] * dist * npf.sign(.5 - npf.random.random(n))
    solarsystem['y'] = y_max * solarsystem['y'] * dist * npf.sign(.5 - npf.random.random(n))
    solarsystem['z'] = z_max * solarsystem['z'] * dist * npf.sign(.5 - npf.random.random(n))
    magv = circlev(

    absangle = npf.arctan(npf.absolute(solarsystem['y'] / solarsystem['x']))
    thetav = npf.pi / 2 - absangle
    solarsystem['vx'] = -1 * npf.sign(solarsystem['y']) * npf.cos(thetav) * magv
    solarsystem['vy'] = npf.sign(solarsystem['x']) * npf.sin(thetav) * magv
    solarsystem['vz'] = npf.zeros(n)
    solarsystem['m'] = npf.random.random(n) * solarmass * 10 + 1e20;

    solarsystem['m'][0] = 1e6 * solarmass
    solarsystem['x'][0] = 0
    solarsystem['y'][0] = 0
    solarsystem['z'][0] = 0
    solarsystem['vx'][0] = 0
    solarsystem['vy'][0] = 0
    solarsystem['vz'][0] = 0

    asteroids = {}
    asteroids['x'] = npf.random.random(b)
    asteroids['y'] = npf.random.random(b)
    asteroids['z'] = npf.random.random(b) * .01
    dist = (1.0 / npf.sqrt(asteroids['x'] ** 2 + asteroids['y'] ** 2 + asteroids['z'] ** 2)) - (
            npf.random.random() * .2)
    asteroids['x'] = x_max * asteroids['x'] * dist * npf.sign(.5 - npf.random.random(b))
    asteroids['y'] = y_max * asteroids['y'] * dist * npf.sign(.5 - npf.random.random(b))
    asteroids['z'] = z_max * asteroids['z'] * dist * npf.sign(.5 - npf.random.random(b))
    magv = circlev(

    absangle = npf.arctan(npf.absolute(asteroids['y'] / asteroids['x']))
    thetav = npf.pi / 2 - absangle
    asteroids['vx'] = -1 * npf.sign(asteroids['y']) * npf.cos(thetav) * magv
    asteroids['vy'] = npf.sign(asteroids['x']) * npf.sin(thetav) * magv
    asteroids['vz'] = npf.zeros(b)
    asteroids['m'] = npf.random.random(b) * solarmass * 10 + 1e14;

    ss = {}
    for key in solarsystem:
        ss[key] = np.array(solarsystem[key].astype(dtype))
    a = {}
    for key in asteroids:
        a[key] = np.array(asteroids[key].astype(dtype))

    return ss, a

def main():
    nplanets, nbodies, timesteps = bench.args.size

    x_max = 1e18  # Simulation constants
    y_max = 1e18
    z_max = 1e18
    dt = 1e12

    solarsystem, asteroids = random_system(  # Setup galaxy

    if bench.args.visualize:  # Init visuals
        plt, P3 = gfx_init(x_max, y_max, z_max)

    bench.start()  # Timer start
    for timestep in range(0, timesteps):  # Run simulation
        if bench.args.visualize and timestep % 10 == 0:  # With or without..
            gfx_show(plt, P3, solarsystem, asteroids)  # ..visuals
        move(solarsystem, asteroids, dt)
    bench.stop()  # Timer stop
    bench.pprint()  # Print results..
    if bench.args.visualize:  # Keep showing visuals

if __name__ == "__main__":

Csharp Numcil

#region Copyright
This file is part of Bohrium and copyright (c) 2012 the Bohrium:
team <http://www.bh107.org>.

Bohrium is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as 
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Bohrium is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the 
GNU Lesser General Public License along with Bohrium. 

If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using R = NumCIL.Range;

namespace nice

	using NumCIL.Double;
	using TArray = NumCIL.Double.NdArray;
	using TData = System.Double;

    public static class NiceSolverDouble
		//private static readonly Utilities.Generator<TArray, TData> Generate = new Utilities.Generator<TArray, TData>();

		private static TData ConvertValue(object o) { return (TData)o; }

		private static TData G = (TData)6.673e-11;

		// Solar mass
		public const TData SOLARMASS = (TData)1.98892e30;

		// Discrete Time units
		public const TData DT = (TData)1e12;

		private static void FillDiagonal(TArray a, TData val)
			long d  = a.Shape.Dimensions[0].Length;
			a.Reshape(new NumCIL.Shape(new long[] { d }, 0, new long[] { d+1 })).Set(val);

		private static void CalcForce(Bodies a, Bodies b)
			var dx = b.x - a.x[R.NewAxis, R.All].Transposed;
			var dy = b.y - a.y[R.NewAxis, R.All].Transposed;
			var dz = b.z - a.z[R.NewAxis, R.All].Transposed;
			var pm = b.mass * a.mass[R.NewAxis, R.All].Transposed;

			if (a == b)
				FillDiagonal(dx, 1);
				FillDiagonal(dy, 1);
				FillDiagonal(dz, 1);
				FillDiagonal(pm, 0);

			var r = (dx.Pow(2) + dy.Pow(2) + dz.Pow(2)).Pow((TData)0.5);

			//In the below calc of the the forces the force of a body upon itself
			//becomes nan and thus destroys the data
			var Fx = G * pm / r.Pow(2) * (dx / r);
			var Fy = G * pm / r.Pow(2) * (dy / r);
			var Fz = G * pm / r.Pow(2) * (dz / r);

			//The diagonal nan numbers must be removed so that the force from a body
			//upon itself is zero
			if (a == b)
				FillDiagonal(Fx, 0);
				FillDiagonal(Fy, 0);
				FillDiagonal(Fz, 0);

			a.vx += Add.Reduce(Fx, 1) / a.mass * DT;
			a.vy += Add.Reduce(Fy, 1) / a.mass * DT;
			a.vz += Add.Reduce(Fz, 1) / a.mass * DT;

		private static void Move(Galaxy galaxy)
			CalcForce(galaxy.SolarSystem, galaxy.SolarSystem);
			CalcForce(galaxy.Asteroids, galaxy.SolarSystem);

			galaxy.SolarSystem.x += galaxy.SolarSystem.vx * DT;
			galaxy.SolarSystem.y += galaxy.SolarSystem.vy * DT;
			galaxy.SolarSystem.z += galaxy.SolarSystem.vz * DT;

			galaxy.Asteroids.x += galaxy.Asteroids.vx * DT;
			galaxy.Asteroids.y += galaxy.Asteroids.vy * DT;
			galaxy.Asteroids.z += galaxy.Asteroids.vz * DT;

		public class Galaxy
			public Bodies SolarSystem;
			public Bodies Asteroids;

			public Galaxy(long planets, long asteroids)
				this.SolarSystem = new SolarSystem(planets);
				this.Asteroids = new Asteroids(asteroids);

		public abstract class Bodies
			public const TData XMAX = (TData)1e18;
			public const TData YMAX = (TData)1e18;
			public const TData ZMAX = (TData)1e18;

			public TArray mass;
			public TArray x;
			public TArray y;
			public TArray z;
			public TArray vx;
			public TArray vy;
			public TArray vz;

			protected void Reset(long size)
				this.x = Generate.Random(size);
				this.y = Generate.Random(size);
				this.z = Generate.Random(size) * (TData)0.01;

				var dist = 1f / Sqrt.Apply((this.x.Pow(2f) + this.y.Pow(2f) + this.z.Pow(2f)));
				dist = dist - (TData)(0.8f - (new Random().NextDouble() * 0.1f));

				this.x = XMAX * this.x * dist * Sign.Apply(.5f - Generate.Random(size));
				this.y = YMAX * this.y * dist * Sign.Apply(.5f - Generate.Random(size));
				this.z = ZMAX * this.z * dist * Sign.Apply(.5f - Generate.Random(size));

				var magv = Cirklev(this.x, this.y, this.z);
				var absangle = Atan.Apply(Abs.Apply(this.y / this.x));
				var thetav= (TData)(Math.PI/2) - absangle;

				this.vx = (TData)(-1) * Sign.Apply(this.y) * Cos.Apply(thetav) * magv;
				this.vy = Sign.Apply(this.x) * Sin.Apply(thetav) * magv;
				this.vz = Generate.Zeroes(size);

			private TArray Cirklev(TArray rx, TArray ry, TArray rz)
				var r2 = Sqrt.Apply(rx * rx + ry * ry + rz * rz);
				var numerator = (TData)((6.67e-11) * 1e6 * SOLARMASS);
				return Sqrt.Apply(numerator / r2);

		public class SolarSystem : Bodies
			public SolarSystem(long size)

				this.mass = (Generate.Random(size) * (TData)(SOLARMASS * 10)) + (TData)1e20;

				this.mass[0]= (TData)1e6 * SOLARMASS;
				this.x[0]= 0;
				this.y[0]= 0;
				this.z[0]= 0;
				this.vx[0]= 0;
				this.vy[0]= 0;
				this.vz[0]= 0;

		public class Asteroids : Bodies
			public Asteroids(long size)
				this.mass = (Generate.Random(size) * (TData)(SOLARMASS * 10)) + (TData)1e14;

		public static Galaxy Create(long planets, long asteroids)
			return new Galaxy(planets, asteroids);

		public static void Solve(Galaxy galaxy, long steps, bool image_output)
			if (image_output)
				Render(galaxy, 0, steps);

			for (long step = 0; step < steps; step++)

				if (image_output)
					Render(galaxy, step + 1, steps);

		private static void Render(Galaxy galaxy, long step, long steps)
			var image_width = 1024;
			var image_height = 1024;

			var axz = galaxy.Asteroids.x;// / galaxy.Asteroids.z;
			var ayz = galaxy.Asteroids.y;// / galaxy.Asteroids.z;
			var sxz = galaxy.SolarSystem.x;// / galaxy.SolarSystem.z;
			var syz = galaxy.SolarSystem.y;// / galaxy.SolarSystem.z;

			Func<int, int, int, System.Drawing.Rectangle> inflateBox = (x, y, s) => new System.Drawing.Rectangle(new System.Drawing.Point(x - (s/2), y - (s/2)), new System.Drawing.Size(s, s));

			var mass_min = Min.Reduce(galaxy.SolarSystem.mass).Value[0];
			var mass_max = Max.Reduce(galaxy.SolarSystem.mass).Value[0];

			var rangex_max = Math.Max(Max.Reduce(axz).Value[0], Max.Reduce(sxz).Value[0]);
			var rangex_min = Math.Min(Min.Reduce(axz).Value[0], Min.Reduce(sxz).Value[0]);

			var rangey_max = Math.Max(Max.Reduce(ayz).Value[0], Max.Reduce(syz).Value[0]);
			var rangey_min = Math.Min(Min.Reduce(ayz).Value[0], Min.Reduce(syz).Value[0]);

			var rangex_diff = rangex_max - rangex_min;
			var rangey_diff = rangey_max - rangey_min;

			rangex_min = -Bodies.XMAX * 1.2f;
			rangey_min = -Bodies.YMAX * 1.2f;
			rangex_diff = Bodies.XMAX * 2.4f;
			rangey_diff = Bodies.YMAX * 2.4f;

			var sx = NumCIL.Int32.Min.Apply(image_width - 1, NumCIL.Int32.Max.Apply(0, ((NumCIL.Int32.NdArray)(((sxz - rangex_min) / rangex_diff) * (image_width - 1))))).AsArray();
			var sy = NumCIL.Int32.Min.Apply(image_height - 1, NumCIL.Int32.Max.Apply(0, ((NumCIL.Int32.NdArray)(((syz - rangey_min) / rangey_diff) * (image_height - 1))))).AsArray();

			var ax = NumCIL.Int32.Min.Apply(image_width - 1, NumCIL.Int32.Max.Apply(0, ((NumCIL.Int32.NdArray)(((axz - rangex_min) / rangex_diff) * (image_width - 1))))).AsArray();
			var ay = NumCIL.Int32.Min.Apply(image_height - 1, NumCIL.Int32.Max.Apply(0, ((NumCIL.Int32.NdArray)(((ayz - rangey_min) / rangey_diff) * (image_height - 1))))).AsArray();

			using (var image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(image_width, image_height))
				using (var gc = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image))
				using (var gc = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image))
					for (var s = 0; s < ax.Length; s++)
						gc.DrawEllipse(System.Drawing.Pens.DarkGray, inflateBox(ax[s], ay[s], 1));
					for (var s = 0; s < sx.Length; s++)
						gc.DrawEllipse(System.Drawing.Pens.Red, inflateBox(sx[s], sy[s], 2));

				image.Save(string.Format("step-{0:0000}.png", step), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

			Console.WriteLine("Completed step {0} of {1}", step, steps);

namespace nice

	using NumCIL.Float;
	using TArray = NumCIL.Float.NdArray;
	using TData = System.Single;

    public static class NiceSolverSingle
		//private static readonly Utilities.Generator<TArray, TData> Generate = new Utilities.Generator<TArray, TData>();

		private static TData ConvertValue(object o) { return (TData)o; }

		private static TData G = (TData)6.673e-11;

		// Solar mass
		public const TData SOLARMASS = (TData)1.98892e30;

		// Discrete Time units
		public const TData DT = (TData)1e12;

		private static void FillDiagonal(TArray a, TData val)
			long d  = a.Shape.Dimensions[0].Length;
			a.Reshape(new NumCIL.Shape(new long[] { d }, 0, new long[] { d+1 })).Set(val);

		private static void CalcForce(Bodies a, Bodies b)
			var dx = b.x - a.x[R.NewAxis, R.All].Transposed;
			var dy = b.y - a.y[R.NewAxis, R.All].Transposed;
			var dz = b.z - a.z[R.NewAxis, R.All].Transposed;
			var pm = b.mass * a.mass[R.NewAxis, R.All].Transposed;

			if (a == b)
				FillDiagonal(dx, 1);
				FillDiagonal(dy, 1);
				FillDiagonal(dz, 1);
				FillDiagonal(pm, 0);

			var r = (dx.Pow(2) + dy.Pow(2) + dz.Pow(2)).Pow((TData)0.5);

			//In the below calc of the the forces the force of a body upon itself
			//becomes nan and thus destroys the data
			var Fx = G * pm / r.Pow(2) * (dx / r);
			var Fy = G * pm / r.Pow(2) * (dy / r);
			var Fz = G * pm / r.Pow(2) * (dz / r);

			//The diagonal nan numbers must be removed so that the force from a body
			//upon itself is zero
			if (a == b)
				FillDiagonal(Fx, 0);
				FillDiagonal(Fy, 0);
				FillDiagonal(Fz, 0);

			a.vx += Add.Reduce(Fx, 1) / a.mass * DT;
			a.vy += Add.Reduce(Fy, 1) / a.mass * DT;
			a.vz += Add.Reduce(Fz, 1) / a.mass * DT;

		private static void Move(Galaxy galaxy)
			CalcForce(galaxy.SolarSystem, galaxy.SolarSystem);
			CalcForce(galaxy.Asteroids, galaxy.SolarSystem);

			galaxy.SolarSystem.x += galaxy.SolarSystem.vx * DT;
			galaxy.SolarSystem.y += galaxy.SolarSystem.vy * DT;
			galaxy.SolarSystem.z += galaxy.SolarSystem.vz * DT;

			galaxy.Asteroids.x += galaxy.Asteroids.vx * DT;
			galaxy.Asteroids.y += galaxy.Asteroids.vy * DT;
			galaxy.Asteroids.z += galaxy.Asteroids.vz * DT;

		public class Galaxy
			public Bodies SolarSystem;
			public Bodies Asteroids;

			public Galaxy(long planets, long asteroids)
				this.SolarSystem = new SolarSystem(planets);
				this.Asteroids = new Asteroids(asteroids);

		public abstract class Bodies
			public const TData XMAX = (TData)1e18;
			public const TData YMAX = (TData)1e18;
			public const TData ZMAX = (TData)1e18;

			public TArray mass;
			public TArray x;
			public TArray y;
			public TArray z;
			public TArray vx;
			public TArray vy;
			public TArray vz;

			protected void Reset(long size)
				this.x = Generate.Random(size);
				this.y = Generate.Random(size);
				this.z = Generate.Random(size) * (TData)0.01;

				var dist = 1f / Sqrt.Apply((this.x.Pow(2f) + this.y.Pow(2f) + this.z.Pow(2f)));
				dist = dist - (TData)(0.8f - (new Random().NextDouble() * 0.1f));

				this.x = XMAX * this.x * dist * Sign.Apply(.5f - Generate.Random(size));
				this.y = YMAX * this.y * dist * Sign.Apply(.5f - Generate.Random(size));
				this.z = ZMAX * this.z * dist * Sign.Apply(.5f - Generate.Random(size));

				var magv = Cirklev(this.x, this.y, this.z);
				var absangle = Atan.Apply(Abs.Apply(this.y / this.x));
				var thetav= (TData)(Math.PI/2) - absangle;

				this.vx = (TData)(-1) * Sign.Apply(this.y) * Cos.Apply(thetav) * magv;
				this.vy = Sign.Apply(this.x) * Sin.Apply(thetav) * magv;
				this.vz = Generate.Zeroes(size);

			private TArray Cirklev(TArray rx, TArray ry, TArray rz)
				var r2 = Sqrt.Apply(rx * rx + ry * ry + rz * rz);
				var numerator = (TData)((6.67e-11) * 1e6 * SOLARMASS);
				return Sqrt.Apply(numerator / r2);

		public class SolarSystem : Bodies
			public SolarSystem(long size)

				this.mass = (Generate.Random(size) * (TData)(SOLARMASS * 10)) + (TData)1e20;

				this.mass[0]= (TData)1e6 * SOLARMASS;
				this.x[0]= 0;
				this.y[0]= 0;
				this.z[0]= 0;
				this.vx[0]= 0;
				this.vy[0]= 0;
				this.vz[0]= 0;

		public class Asteroids : Bodies
			public Asteroids(long size)
				this.mass = (Generate.Random(size) * (TData)(SOLARMASS * 10)) + (TData)1e14;

		public static Galaxy Create(long planets, long asteroids)
			return new Galaxy(planets, asteroids);

		public static void Solve(Galaxy galaxy, long steps, bool image_output)
			if (image_output)
				Render(galaxy, 0, steps);

			for (long step = 0; step < steps; step++)

				if (image_output)
					Render(galaxy, step + 1, steps);

		private static void Render(Galaxy galaxy, long step, long steps)
			var image_width = 1024;
			var image_height = 1024;

			var axz = galaxy.Asteroids.x;// / galaxy.Asteroids.z;
			var ayz = galaxy.Asteroids.y;// / galaxy.Asteroids.z;
			var sxz = galaxy.SolarSystem.x;// / galaxy.SolarSystem.z;
			var syz = galaxy.SolarSystem.y;// / galaxy.SolarSystem.z;

			Func<int, int, int, System.Drawing.Rectangle> inflateBox = (x, y, s) => new System.Drawing.Rectangle(new System.Drawing.Point(x - (s/2), y - (s/2)), new System.Drawing.Size(s, s));

			var mass_min = Min.Reduce(galaxy.SolarSystem.mass).Value[0];
			var mass_max = Max.Reduce(galaxy.SolarSystem.mass).Value[0];

			var rangex_max = Math.Max(Max.Reduce(axz).Value[0], Max.Reduce(sxz).Value[0]);
			var rangex_min = Math.Min(Min.Reduce(axz).Value[0], Min.Reduce(sxz).Value[0]);

			var rangey_max = Math.Max(Max.Reduce(ayz).Value[0], Max.Reduce(syz).Value[0]);
			var rangey_min = Math.Min(Min.Reduce(ayz).Value[0], Min.Reduce(syz).Value[0]);

			var rangex_diff = rangex_max - rangex_min;
			var rangey_diff = rangey_max - rangey_min;

			rangex_min = -Bodies.XMAX * 1.2f;
			rangey_min = -Bodies.YMAX * 1.2f;
			rangex_diff = Bodies.XMAX * 2.4f;
			rangey_diff = Bodies.YMAX * 2.4f;

			var sx = NumCIL.Int32.Min.Apply(image_width - 1, NumCIL.Int32.Max.Apply(0, ((NumCIL.Int32.NdArray)(((sxz - rangex_min) / rangex_diff) * (image_width - 1))))).AsArray();
			var sy = NumCIL.Int32.Min.Apply(image_height - 1, NumCIL.Int32.Max.Apply(0, ((NumCIL.Int32.NdArray)(((syz - rangey_min) / rangey_diff) * (image_height - 1))))).AsArray();

			var ax = NumCIL.Int32.Min.Apply(image_width - 1, NumCIL.Int32.Max.Apply(0, ((NumCIL.Int32.NdArray)(((axz - rangex_min) / rangex_diff) * (image_width - 1))))).AsArray();
			var ay = NumCIL.Int32.Min.Apply(image_height - 1, NumCIL.Int32.Max.Apply(0, ((NumCIL.Int32.NdArray)(((ayz - rangey_min) / rangey_diff) * (image_height - 1))))).AsArray();

			using (var image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(image_width, image_height))
				using (var gc = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image))
				using (var gc = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image))
					for (var s = 0; s < ax.Length; s++)
						gc.DrawEllipse(System.Drawing.Pens.DarkGray, inflateBox(ax[s], ay[s], 1));
					for (var s = 0; s < sx.Length; s++)
						gc.DrawEllipse(System.Drawing.Pens.Red, inflateBox(sx[s], sy[s], 2));

				image.Save(string.Format("step-{0:0000}.png", step), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

			Console.WriteLine("Completed step {0} of {1}", step, steps);