Source code for benchpress.benchpress

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
import os
import tempfile
from .argument_handling import args
from . import time_util

def _check_cmd(cmd_list):
    """Sanity check of the commands in 'cmd_list'"""
    for cmd in cmd_list:
        assert "jobs" not in cmd
        assert "cmd" in cmd
        assert "label" in cmd

[docs]def create_suite(cmd_list, output_path=None): """Create a suite file (JSON) based on a list of commands Parameters ---------- cmd_list : list of dict List of commands that makes up this benchmark suite. output_path : str Path to the output file when the `--output` argument is unset. If `None`, a path to a temporary file is used. See Also -------- command : Help function to create a new command """ _check_cmd(cmd_list) # Let's print the scheduled jobs for cmd in cmd_list: print ("Scheduling '%s': '%s'" % (cmd['label'], cmd['cmd'])) # Beside the commands list, the suite file contains other relevant information: suite_dict = { 'cmd_list': cmd_list, 'creation_date_utc': time_util.utcnow_str(), } # Write the json file at an user specified or temporary location json_string = json.dumps(suite_dict, indent=4) if args().output is not None: f = open(args().output, 'w') elif output_path is not None: f = open(output_path, 'w') else: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix='benchpress-', suffix='.json') f.write(json_string) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) print ("Writing suite file: %s" % f.close()
[docs]def command(cmd, label, env={}): """Create a Benchpress command, which define a single benchmark execution This is a help function to create a Benchpress command, which is a Python `dict` of the parameters given. Parameters ---------- cmd : str The bash string that makes up the command label : str The human readable label of the command env : dict The Python dictionary of environment variables to define before execution' Returns ------- command : dict The created Benchpress command """ return {'cmd': cmd, 'label': label, 'env': env}